Information with Regard to Your Privacy
What we do with your information.
How it is stored.
How you can access it.
Staffing Options adheres to:
The Australian Privacy Principles
The Privacy Act 1988
Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012
Freedom of Information Act 1982
How Staffing Options handles personal information
Staffing Options acknowledges the importance of providing a confidential service which includes protecting the privacy of the people it supports.
What type of information does Staffing Options collect?
Staffing Options only collects information directly relevant to the support it has been asked to provide. Each request for support is individual but generally could include information on health needs, communication, medication, support requirements, skills, culturally specific needs for example diet, contact details, age, gender.
Why is this information gathered?
Information is collected to enable Staffing Options to provide quality support, tailored to the individual needs of the person accessing the service.
A person receiving service provision is entitled to ask what information is being collected about them and how the information will be used.
Where does Staffing Options store personal information?
Personal information is recorded and stored in a database and files. The information is protected from unauthorised access, use and disclosure by such means as the use of passwords and locked storage space.
Staffing Options will make sure information is accurate, comprehensive well organised, current, legible and relevant.
Does Staffing Options ever give information to other services or health professionals?
Only with the consent of the person receiving a service or that of the persons authorised representative. If consent is given, information would be specific and relevant only to the request or requirement of the situation.
How can a person receiving a service access their information?
A person is entitled to request access to their information or have their authorised representative access information on their behalf. Please contact Staffing Options to do so. An “Access to Information” request form follows.
If a person feels the information in their file is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of date, a request can be made to have the information corrected.
Complaints Process
If a person feels their information has not been responsibly and transparently collected stored or used, we recommend they contact Staffing Options and we will address concerns promptly.
To make a complaint please contact us through our feedback page.